To Treat Folate deficiency anaemia or increased use of folate in the body as in pregnancy
acid, also known as folate and folacin from dietary sources, helps
support normal functioning of the nervous system and plays a critical
role in the proper development of a baby’s nervous system.
a prenatal vitamin with the recommended 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic
acid before and during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects of your
baby\'s brain and spinal cord.
Folic acid has also been suggested to reduce your risk of: Pregnancy complications, Heart disease, Stroke.
How to use:
1 mg a day for 4 months, which may be increased up to a maximum of 15 mg a day.
Caution & Warnings:
Do not take Folic Acid tablets and tell your doctor if you have:
An allergy (hypersensitivity) to folic acid or any of the other ingredients in the tablets(see section 6)
An untreated vitamin B12 deficiency such as in certain anaemias and lifelong vegetarians
Pernicious anaemia (a form of anaemia caused by lack of vitamin B12 ) or another condition caused by vitamin B12 deficiency